Instagram Notes Get a Musical Upgrade: Share Your Favorite Tracks in DMs

Ella Hall


Instagram Notes Get a Musical Upgrade: Share Your Favorite Tracks in DMs

Instagram continues to expand its features in an ongoing quest to stay ahead of competitors like TikTok. The social media behemoth recently rolled out an update for Instagram Notes, allowing users to incorporate music tracks into their messages. Introduced six months ago, this feature shares similarities with Stories but is communicated through direct messages. While the practical value of this addition remains to be seen, it opens up new possibilities for user engagement.

The latest update enables users to attach a song to their Note; this addition will subsequently be prominently featured on the Note shelf located at the upper section of the recipients' inboxes. Tapping on the song will allow the recipient to listen to the shared track. This feature may appeal to those wishing to share a new song with friends, promote a band they know, or showcase their own music creations. However, the exact impact of music sharing via Notes on overall user engagement is still open to debate.

This new feature is reminiscent of the early days of MySpace, where users could showcase their favorite tracks on their profiles. As Instagram competes with the likes of TikTok, which has become a powerhouse for music distribution and created a significant impact on the music industry, the addition of music in Notes seems like an attempt to keep up with the changing landscape of social media. By incorporating elements of TikTok's success, Instagram aims to maintain its relevance in the social media market.

Instagram's Notes feature might not have been a major game-changer in terms of engagement. Nonetheless, Instagram's Head, Adam Mosseri, has addressed its usefulness in his regular Q&A sessions on the platform. Mosseri's comments, combined with the introduction of music tracks in Notes, suggest that there is potential for growth and a place for the feature within the Instagram ecosystem.

As Instagram continues to evolve, users now have the option to share their favorite tracks within the Notes feature. It remains to be seen how this music integration will impact the overall experience on the platform and whether it will resonate with users in the long run. Regardless of the outcome, this new addition signifies Instagram's commitment to keeping its platform fresh and engaging for its audience.
