Why Did Ghostwire: Tokyo Receive Denuvo DRM?

Aiden Bailey


Why Did Ghostwire: Tokyo Receive Denuvo DRM?

Ghostwire: Tokyo is an adventure game developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks. Recently, the PC version of the game received an update that introduced Denuvo DRM as a tamper-proof feature. This controversial decision caused a great resonance, as it is unclear what could have motivated the inclusion of such intrusive DRM technology.

Denuvo is a highly controversial topic among computer game enthusiasts. It is popular in multiplayer games because its code obfuscation feature prevents reverse engineering, which is a prerequisite for creating cheats. However, the implementation of Denuvo often comes at the expense of worse performance. This is especially troubling due to the large number of high-profile cases where Denuvo clearly hurts gameplay.

The latest Ghostwire: Tokyo update introduced Denuvo to the PC version of the game, yet it is unclear what prompted Tango Gameworks and Bethesda's decision to invest time and money into implementing it, as Ghostwire: Tokyo isn't a multiplayer game, and it has been cracked for more than a year. One possible explanation is that Ghostwire: Tokyo is planned to receive multiplayer features in the future. However, it would be quite unusual for Tango Gameworks, who only made one such game since its first release in 2009.

Although Denuvo's anti-piracy measures have repeatedly proven that they are not impenetrable, in general, their addition to Ghostwire: Tokyo still raises concerns about possible performance degradation. Denuvo Software Solutions downplays reports about the resource-intensive nature of its anti-piracy technology, but only proper implementation, where developers take the time to integrate their game code with Denuvo, can keep performance at a satisfactory level.

In conclusion, Ghostwire: Tokyo's recent addition of Denuvo is highly unusual, as the game has been cracked for more than a year, and it isn't a multiplayer title. The motives behind this move remain unclear. However, the introduction of this anti-tampering feature could potentially lead to decreased performance. Proper implementation of Denuvo can minimize performance losses, yet it is unlikely to completely prevent them.
