Mastering Summon Crystal Locations in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: A Comprehensive Guide for Weakening Summon Entities

Ella Hall


Mastering Summon Crystal Locations in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: A Comprehensive Guide for Weakening Summon Entities

Finding all the Summon Crystals in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can significantly ease your journey when tackling the region’s summon entities. Known as Divine Intel in the game, these Summon Crystals are crucial for weakening formidable summon entities before engaging them in battle. These tasks are part of Chadley’s World Intel assignments, and each location requires a specific button combination to access the data, making the subsequent summoning battles more manageable. Let's delve into the specific locations and regions to ensure you gather all the needed Summon Crystals.

Grasslands Region

Grasslands Region

The Grasslands region in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is dotted with Summon Crystals, and collecting all of them will allow you to weaken the summon entity, Titan. This makes the eventual battle to add Titan to your summon inventory considerably easier. As you traverse the Grasslands, keep an eye out for these Divine Intel Sanctuaries and make sure to collect them all before facing Titan.

Junon Region

In the Junon area, Summon Crystals are spread out, and some are only accessible with the help of the Junon Chocobo. Make sure you have this Chocobo on hand for easier navigation. Collecting all Junon Divine Intel will ensure a significantly weakened Phoenix when you decide to add this powerful summon to your roster. The Phoenix summon, known for its reviving abilities, becomes a valuable ally once subdued.

Corel Region

Corel Region Final Fantasy

Corel’s Summon Crystals are scattered throughout the region, including some in the Corel Desert that only become accessible after certain progress in the main storyline. This means you’ll need to advance far enough before collecting all the required Divine Intel. Completing this task will weaken Alexander, making it easier to face and add to your summon list.

Gongaga Region

In Gongaga, Summon Crystals require the use of the Gongaga region Chocobo for access to some remote areas. Gathering all the Divine Intel here will weaken Kujata. This can be immensely beneficial as Kujata's complex abilities can otherwise present a significant challenge in battle.

Cosmo Canyon Region

Cosmo Canyon’s landscape is home to several Summon Crystals, which will also require the regional Chocobo to reach some of the trickier locations. The effort is worthwhile, as collecting all the Divine Intel here weakens Bahamut, one of the most powerful summons. Ensuring Bahamut is weaker before the battle can tip the scale in your favor.

Cosmo Canyon Region

Nibel Region

Finally, the Nibel region's Summon Crystals are similarly scattered and will need the assistance of the Nibel Chocobo for complete access. By collecting all the Nibel Divine Intel, you can face a significantly weakened Odin, simplifying the task of adding this formidable summon to your arsenal.

Exploring Summon Entities

Summon entities in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth are powerful creatures that significantly aid your party during battles. Whether it is Titan's overwhelming physical strength or Phoenix’s revival capabilities, each summon brings unique advantages to your team. Understanding the Summon Crystal locations and ensuring you access all Divine Intel not only gives you a head start but can also turn challenging battles into more manageable tasks.

Role of Chocobos

The Chocobo, a beloved creature in the Final Fantasy series, plays a pivotal role in accessing various Summon Crystal locations. Each region has its own unique Chocobo, which allows you to traverse difficult terrains and reach otherwise inaccessible areas. Ensuring you have the correct Chocobo for each region is vital. This is not only for collecting Summon Crystals but also for a smoother overall exploration experience.

Strategies and Tips

Navigating through different regions to collect Summon Crystals requires careful strategy. Patience is key, as some Crystals only become available after certain story milestones. It's also essential to remember that each Divine Intel task involves a button combination challenge—practicing these combinations can save a lot of time and frustration.

Role of Chocobos

Another tip is to prepare your team adequately before facing the summon entities. Even weakened, these entities are formidable foes. Ensuring your party is well-equipped and leveled up can make these battles much less daunting. Additionally, utilizing guides on using Moogle Medals or obtaining Golden Plumes can further enhance your strengths.


Locating and collecting all Summon Crystals in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a rewarding challenge. The process not only weakens the formidable summon entities but also enhances your overall game strategy. With the right preparation, strategy, and understanding of the game's mechanics, you can turn these daunting foes into valuable allies in your quest.

For more detailed guides on various aspects of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, such as the Folio Upgrade System, make sure to explore further. Strengthening your party and mastering the use of summons will undoubtedly elevate your gaming experience.
